Dr Ryan Collman is joining the “Reimagining Paul" project

SCIBS is happy to announce that Dr Ryan Collman is joining the “Reimagining Paul" project as a research assistant.

Dr Ryan Collman

Dr Collman did his doctoral research on circumcision in Paul's letters at the University of Edinburgh. The book based of his doctoral thesis, The Apostle to the Foreskin  is coming out this summer with De Gruyter in their Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft series. The book is also a winner of a 2023 Lautenschlaeger Award.

In addition to researching circumcision in the ancient world, Dr Collman's broader research interests focus on the New Testament as Second Temple literature, Paul and Judaism, ethnicity and gender in the New Testament, Jews and Judaism in early-Christian heresiological discourse, and judeophobia in New Testament paratextual traditions. He is currently developing a research project on innovation and supersessionism in early Judaism and the New Testament.

You can find out more about his current research by following him on Twitter or Humanities Commons.

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